Texan Drive-In 1955 with National Auto Association sign |
Noted with this slide was Bryan Tex'spino or something. We studied the slide and searched the internet. The Texan drive-in's that were mentioned are torn down or closed. Those were in Pecos and Midland. We know Sikko was in Lubbock, perhaps they travelled through Midland and/or Pecos on their way to Los Angelos (or back of course). We don't know that...yet. In the search we found little about the National Auto Association, apart from some memorabilia that you can get on e-bay. Perhaps he just took the picture because the Texan is also an airplane he flew back in 1954 Marana Air Force Base. Perhaps in future we learn more about the restaurant and/or the nAa.
Bij deze dia staat Bryan Tex'spino of zoiets. Slecht leesbaar. Het internet leert ons dat de Texan Drive-in's in Peco en Midland gesloten of afgebroken zijn. We weten dat Sikko in Lubbock was. Misschien reisde hij door Midland en/of Pecos op de route van of naar Los Angelos. Dat weten we nog niet. We vonden maar bar weinig over de National Auto Association, een paar memorabilia op e-bay. Misschien nam hij deze foto wel omdat de Texan een vliegtuig is waarin hij vloog in 1954 op Marana AFB. Misschien leren we meer in de toekomst over het restaurant en/of de nAa.